在前文中,讲述了在JAVA环境下如何将shp转换为GeoJSON,在本文,分别讲述在Arcgis for js,Openlayers2和Openlayers3中加载展示GeoJSON。
实现效果如下图:openlayers map
实现后效果如下:Ol3 wms
3、Arcgis for js中加载GeoJSON
在上面的代码中,有一个GeoJsonConverter,是我编写的一个函数,实现GeoJSON到Arcgis JSON的转换,代码如下:Hello Map
function geoJsonConverter(){ var gCon = {}; /*compares a GeoJSON geometry type and ESRI geometry type to see if they can be safely put together in a single ESRI feature. ESRI features must only have one geometry type, point, line, polygon*/ function isCompatible(esriGeomType, gcGeomType) { var compatible = false; if ((esriGeomType === "esriGeometryPoint" || esriGeomType === "esriGeometryMultipoint") && (gcGeomType === "Point" || gcGeomType === "MultiPoint")) { compatible = true; } else if (esriGeomType === "esriGeometryPolyline" && (gcGeomType === "LineString" || gcGeomType === "MultiLineString")) { compatible = true; } else if (esriGeomType === "esriGeometryPolygon" && (gcGeomType === "Polygon" || gcGeomType === "MultiPolygon")) { compatible = true; } return compatible; } /*Take a GeoJSON geometry type and make an object that has information about what the ESRI geometry should hold. Includes the ESRI geometry type and the name of the member that holds coordinate information*/ function gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo(gcType) { var esriType, geomHolderId; if (gcType === "Point") { esriType = "esriGeometryPoint"; } else if (gcType === "MultiPoint") { esriType = "esriGeometryMultipoint"; geomHolderId = "points"; } else if (gcType === "LineString" || gcType === "MultiLineString") { esriType = "esriGeometryPolyline"; geomHolderId = "paths"; } else if (gcType === "Polygon" || gcType === "MultiPolygon") { esriType = "esriGeometryPolygon"; geomHolderId = "rings"; } return { type: esriType, geomHolder: geomHolderId }; } /*Convert GeoJSON polygon coordinates to ESRI polygon coordinates. GeoJSON rings are listed starting with a singular outer ring. ESRI rings can be listed in any order, but unlike GeoJSON, the ordering of vertices determines whether it's an outer or inner ring. Clockwise vertices indicate outer ring and counter-clockwise vertices indicate inner ring */ function gcPolygonCoordinatesToEsriPolygonCoordinates(gcCoords) { var i, len, esriCoords = [], ring; for (i = 0, len = gcCoords.length; i < len; i++) { ring = gcCoords[i]; // Exclusive OR. if ((i === 0) !== ringIsClockwise(ring)) { ring = ring.reverse(); } esriCoords.push(ring); } return esriCoords; } /*Wraps GeoJSON coordinates in an array if necessary so code can iterate through array of points, rings, or lines and add them to an ESRI geometry Input is a GeoJSON geometry object. A GeoJSON GeometryCollection is not a valid input */ function gcCoordinatesToEsriCoordinates(gcGeom) { var i, len, esriCoords; if (gcGeom.type === "MultiPoint" || gcGeom.type === "MultiLineString") { esriCoords = gcGeom.coordinates || []; } else if (gcGeom.type === "Point" || gcGeom.type === "LineString") { esriCoords = gcGeom.coordinates ? [gcGeom.coordinates] : []; } else if (gcGeom.type === "Polygon") { esriCoords = []; if(gcGeom.coordinates){ esriCoords = gcPolygonCoordinatesToEsriPolygonCoordinates(gcGeom.coordinates); } } else if (gcGeom.type === "MultiPolygon") { esriCoords = []; if(gcGeom.coordinates){ for (i = 0, len = gcGeom.coordinates.length; i < len; i++) { esriCoords.push(gcPolygonCoordinatesToEsriPolygonCoordinates(gcGeom.coordinates[i])); } } } return esriCoords; } /*Converts GeoJSON geometry to ESRI geometry. The ESRI geometry is only allowed to contain one type of geometry, so if the GeoJSON geometry is a GeometryCollection, then only geometries compatible with the first geometry type in the collection are added to the ESRI geometry Input parameter is a GeoJSON geometry object.*/ function gcGeometryToEsriGeometry(gcGeom) { var esriGeometry, esriGeomInfo, gcGeometriesToConvert, i, g, coords; //if geometry collection, get info about first geometry in collection if (gcGeom.type === "GeometryCollection") { var geomCompare = gcGeom.geometries[0]; gcGeometriesToConvert = []; esriGeomInfo = gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo(geomCompare.type); //loop through collection and only add compatible geometries to the array //of geometries that will be converted for (i = 0; i < gcGeom.geometries.length; i++) { if (isCompatible(esriGeomInfo.type, gcGeom.geometries[i].type)) { gcGeometriesToConvert.push(gcGeom.geometries[i]); } } } else { esriGeomInfo = gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo(gcGeom.type); gcGeometriesToConvert = [gcGeom]; } //if a collection contained multiple points, change the ESRI geometry //type to MultiPoint if (esriGeomInfo.type === "esriGeometryPoint" && gcGeometriesToConvert.length > 1) { esriGeomInfo = gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo("MultiPoint"); } //make new empty ESRI geometry object esriGeometry = { //type: esriGeomInfo.type, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }; //perform conversion if (esriGeomInfo.type === "esriGeometryPoint") { if (!gcGeometriesToConvert[0] || !gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates || gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates.length === 0) { esriGeometry.x = null; } else { esriGeometry.x = gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates[0]; esriGeometry.y = gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates[1]; } } else { esriGeometry[esriGeomInfo.geomHolder] = []; for (i = 0; i < gcGeometriesToConvert.length; i++) { coords = gcCoordinatesToEsriCoordinates(gcGeometriesToConvert[i]); for (g = 0; g < coords.length; g++) { esriGeometry[esriGeomInfo.geomHolder].push(coords[g]); } } } return esriGeometry; } /*Converts GeoJSON feature to ESRI REST Feature. Input parameter is a GeoJSON Feature object*/ function gcFeatureToEsriFeature(gcFeature) { var esriFeat, prop, esriAttribs; if (gcFeature) { esriFeat = {}; if (gcFeature.geometry) { esriFeat.geometry = gcGeometryToEsriGeometry(gcFeature.geometry); } if (gcFeature.properties) { esriAttribs = {}; for (prop in gcFeature.properties) { esriAttribs[prop] = gcFeature.properties[prop]; } esriFeat.attributes = esriAttribs; } } return esriFeat; } /*Converts GeoJSON FeatureCollection, Feature, or Geometry to ESRI Rest Featureset, Feature, or Geometry*/ gCon.toEsri = function(geoJsonObject) { var outObj, i, gcFeats, esriFeat; if (geoJsonObject){ if (geoJsonObject.type === "FeatureCollection"){ outObj = { features: [] }; gcFeats = geoJsonObject.features; for (i = 0; i < gcFeats.length; i++) { esriFeat = gcFeatureToEsriFeature(gcFeats[i]); if (esriFeat) { outObj.features.push(esriFeat); } } } else if (geoJsonObject.type === "Feature"){ outObj = gcFeatureToEsriFeature(geoJsonObject); } else{ outObj = gcGeometryToEsriGeometry(geoJsonObject); } } return outObj; }; return gCon;}实现后效果如下:
{"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{ "type": "Feature", "id": 0, "properties": { "name": "乌鲁木齐", "id": 10.000000, "lon": 87.576079, "lat": 43.782225, "heat": null }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 87.576079383021181, 43.782225203649105 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "id": 1, "properties": { "name": "拉萨", "id": 11.000000, "lon": 91.163218, "lat": 29.710560, "heat": null }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 91.163217897611261, 29.710559728178374 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "id": 2, "properties": { "name": "西宁", "id": 12.000000, "lon": 101.797439, "lat": 36.593725, "heat": null }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 101.79743904230159, 36.59372482860072 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "id": 3, "properties": { "name": "兰州", "id": 13.000000, "lon": 103.584421, "lat": 36.119175, "heat": null }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 103.58442065913421, 36.11917453434188 ] } },{ "type": "Feature", "id": 4, "properties": { "name": "成都", "id": 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